This is my first pattern ever, so any critique, suggestions, corrections and other photos are welcome. I made my cover in multipul peices and whip stitched them together with yarn, you can make it in fewer peices if you have the inclination and know how.
please do not sell my pattern, you may sell what you make from my pattern, but please do not sell the pattern itself.
Tissue box measurements: 4.25in x 4.25in x5.25in deep
Using H/8 (5.00MM)hook
Red Heart Worsted Medium weight yarn in cornmeal, white and chocolate
with yellow
1 skip 1 ch, 15 sc across
2-6 ch 1 turn 15 sc across
7 ch 1 turn. sc in next 2 sc, ch 11, skip 11sc, sc in last 2 sc
8-15 ch 1 turn. 15 sc across
Leave long tail for sewing and break off.
Icing sides (for corner peice you will need 2)
with yellow
Ch 16
1 skip 1 ch, 15 sc across
2-19 ch 1, 15 sc across.
before breaking off make sure that the sides are the length of your box. you can add extra lines if needed or deconsruct lines that are extra.
break off with long tail and secure.
Inside cake sides (for a corner peice I would make two again)
ch 16
begin with yellow
1 skip 1 chain, 15 sc across
2-3 ch 1. turn. 15 sc across
4 ch 1. turn. 2sc, mrge brown, 1sc, merge white 12sc
5 ch 1. turn. 12 sc, mg brown 1 sc, merge yellow sc in the last 2 sc
6-9 alternate 4 and 5 accordingly
10 ch 1. turn. 2 sc, merge brown 13 sc
11 Merge yellow ch1. turn. 15sc across
12 ch 1. turn. 15 sc across
13 merge brown, ch1. turn. 13 sc merge yellow 2 sc in last sc
14-19 starting with 4 and alternating with 5 again, it should resembe the first cake layer set.
20 ch 1 turn. 2 sc merge brown, 13 sc aross.
before breaking off make sure that the sides are the length of your box like with the icing sides.
sew together the peices according to how it looks. like sewing together the cake and icings and the top icing on top..... if you cant figure this out I'll wonder on your intermediate status of crochet. :P
You can do whatever you want witht the top decorative icing, be creative! But if you like what I did... here's how I did it.
Bottom trim: witht he top facing you, join white yarn on edge and ch 1, 4 sc in the same st, sl st in the next 2 stitches, *5 sc in the next st, slt sti in the next 2* repeat from * to * around the edge of the icing.
I repeated like this for the other parts of the decorations. I just decrased the amount of stitches in the same stitch.