I'm a horrid organizational person. I'm either on the ball, or off of it. I walked into my sewing room where it was an absolute mess... I wanted to cry walking into the room, and realised that I tend to stay out of the room because it's so cluttered!
Between having no shelving and the room being storage for just about everything else, I was stressed. There seemed to be no way to fix it, no matter how many times I moved things around, the room was cluttered, the space was taken up by my dining room table which I had started to use as the craft table, despite it belonging in the dining room.
Bottom line. I needed to organize.
This is step two. A friend of mine has larger shelves with the same concept, and I'm hoping that this one will be enough. Since this picture has been taken I've stalled a bit, but I've gotten a bit more finished and hope to have it all finished by the end of the month. It's far more advanced than this image by the way.
These were my birthday gifts. You know a girl is known and loved when all of her gifts are yarn, beads and her most favorite superhero. My parents also gave me knitting needles. I didn't knit before then because I thought all the needles were so expensive and when I did try it was so confusing. My soon to be mother in law (who wants me to just call her mom) bought me a crochet and knitting for dummies book. I adore her for this. She also took me to borders and bought nearly everything I picked up. So there's a stack of books that are not pictured.
Oh and the new iPhone 4 that I took the photo with and my new digital SLR camera that I got and still have yet to figure out how to get the photo's off of.
The left flowers are the bridesmaids flowers. I'm short one because I need to get more floral tape which is supposed to be on it's way. Thank you friend! The right is the bridal. I'm still debating on adding more and making it more teardrop shaped like I originally intended. Any tips from past brides is welcome.
To save money we looked into making our own invitations. And I happened across a sale at Wal~mart of all the old wedding invitation 'print your own' sets and between two Wal~marts we managed to get enough and have plenty left over to go to the backup list.
I still need to get the table decorations and the isle decorations. I'm unsure as to how much the chair and tables will cost, and exactly how many we are getting, that is something that my wonderful fiancee is figuring out and will be getting back to me on.
I am ecstatic that I've also decided to start working out again, walking and eating healthy to make sure that my skin and my body is happier for the wedding and my honeymoon. This new app. My fitness pal is very helpful. and any iPhone/android/blackberry user I highly recommend it.
Thanks for sharing the journey with me,
Handmaiden Ashley
Oh man, that's how my room looks. :x Should really do something about that, lolz. Cool presents, yarn ftw!